Which Kalimba should I Buy?
There are many different types of Kalimba, and it may seem a little confusing at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Keep reading to discover which Kalimba is the best for you.
If you are a beginner and this is your first Kalimba, we recommend you purchase a 17 Key wood Kalimba, with a hollow box and soundhole on the front. These are very popular and the least expensive. Browse our Beginner’s Range of Kalimbas.
If you are an experienced Kalimba player and are looking to buy your second or third Kalimba we suggest you try a 21 Key Kalimba, or perhaps a 17 Key with a solid board, or a hollow soundbox with a hole at the bottom. You could even try a different tuning. Really, anything you haven’t already tried is worth a look at. Browse our Kalimbas for more experienced players.
Comparisons of different types of Kalimba
17 Key Kalimbas

- Perfect for Beginners
- Plays Most Songs
- More Sheet Music Available
- Widely Available
21 Key Kalimbas

- Addition of lower notes F, G, A & B
- Plays More Songs
- Slightly more resonant
- Limited Availability
Wood Kalimbas

- Ideal for Beginners
- Lighter in Weight
- Easier to Hold
- Louder Sound
- Smells Nice
Acrylic Kalimbas

- Softer, but a more sweet sound
- Beautiful Looking
- Heavier than Wood
- Low Resonance
Front Sound Hole

- Great for beginners
- Good Resonance
- Vibrato (wah-wah) Effect
- Many Design & Color Options
Bottom Sound Hole

- Mid to high notes are clearer
- Higher Resonance
- Limited Designs and Colors
Hollow Soundbox

- Louder Sound
- High Resonance
- Vibrato (wah-wah) Effect
- Fits Most Cases
- Many Design & Color Options
- Most Popular
Solid Board

- Lighter Weight
- Smaller
- Softer Sound
- More even resonance
- Different Shapes
- No Vibrato (wah-wah) Effect